Domestika Basics · 5 courses
Introduction to SketchBook Pro
A course by Paulo Villagrán
Learn how to use the essential app for sketching and creating digital illustrations on iOS and Android
- 12,109
- 98% (353)

Illustrated Pattern Design
A course by Ana Sanfelippo
Learn to tell stories using your own hand-drawn patterns and print them on different surfaces
- 18,613
- 99% (947)

Professional Illustration: Turn Your Passion into a Career
A course by Laura Varsky
Learn the techniques and tools to turn your illustrations into something more than a hobby
- 12,809
- 99% (776)

Creating Original Illustrations with a Tablet
A course by Puño
Learn to draw digitally and make a homemade print of your first illustration using several layers of ink
- 38,180
- 97% (1.3K)