Stop Motion: Create Animations with Your Smartphone . 3D, and Animation course by Coke Riobóo y Lourdes Villagómez

Stop Motion: Create Animations with Your Smartphone

A course by Coke Riobóo y Lourdes Villagómez

Animate your ideas with everyday objects and record videos for social media by experimenting with stop motion techniques

  • 6,523
  • 100% (205)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Stop Motion: Create Animated Loops. 3D, and Animation course by Victor Haegelin

Introduction to Stop Motion: Create Animated Loops

A course by Victor Haegelin

Learn how to create an animated stop motion sequence from scratch with Dragonframe, from the initial storyboard to the finished film

  • 2,587
  • 100% (63)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Rotoscoping: Draw an Animation Frame by Frame. 3D, and Animation course by Gonzalo Cordero de Ciria

Rotoscoping: Draw an Animation Frame by Frame

A course by Gonzalo Cordero de Ciria

Learn to draw over a real image with Photoshop, Art Rage, and After Effects

  • 4,078
  • 97% (220)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Designing and Making Graphic Props for Filmmaking. Design, and Craft course by Annie Atkins

Designing and Making Graphic Props for Filmmaking

A course by Annie Atkins

Dive into the world of graphic props for film with this course on making a vintage "rap sheet." Learn how to create authentic period-correct documents using analog techniques.

  • 4,561
  • 98% (53)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Cartoon Comedy for Beginners. Illustration course by Raúl Salazar

Cartoon Comedy for Beginners

A course by Raúl Salazar

Learn to conceptualize and draw a current affairs cartoon

  • 4,901
  • 94% (305)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Traditional Animation with Photoshop. 3D, and Animation course by Numecaniq

Introduction to Traditional Animation with Photoshop

A course by Numecaniq

Learn the 12 principles of frame-by-frame animation and bring your stories to life

  • 8,242
  • 100% (292)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD