Andres es un director de animacion Argentino, con gran experiemcia en animacion, diseño e ilustracion para animated storytelling. Habiendo trabajado en su carrera como director de arte y animacion para diferentes estudios y tambien como director de Arte en MTV Networks, Andres dejo su ciudad natal para vivir rodeado e inspirado por la naturaleza, y es hoy en dia el fundador y director de Wildthings, un estudio boutique de animacion situado en las sierras de Cordoba, donde reuniones al aire libre, caminatas por el monte y observación consciente de nuestro entorno son parte de nuestra filosofía de trabajo. Sus clientes incluyen Disney, Nickelodeon, MTV, Fox y NatGeo.
Aparte de su estudio, Andres tambien es un apasionado profesor de animacion y el fundador de Espacio el Molino, un espacio de aprendizaje y eventos audiovisuales situado en las hermosas sierras Cordobesas.
Andres es tambien padre de dos hijas y partidario por la inclusion y concientizacion del sindrome de Down.
Andres is an Argentina-based animation leader and director with deep experience in animation, design and illustration for animated storytelling. Having worked as an art and animation director for several studios and as an art director in MTV Networks, Andres left his city to live surrounded and inspired by nature and is now the founder of Wildthings, a boutique commercial animation studio located in the mountains, where outdoor hiking, observation of wildlife is part of our routine. His clients have included Disney, Nickelodeon, MTV, Fox, and NatGeo.
Andres is also a passionate animation teacher and mentor. In addition to leading Wildthings, Andres is the founder of Espacio el Molino, an animation and audiovisual coworking, training, and cultural events space nestled in the beautiful mountains of the Sierras de Córdoba.
Andres has two children and is a proud advocate for Down syndrome awareness and equality.
Animated Illustrations Inspired by Nature
Make your animation project inspired by nature and bring your illustrations to life with After Effects.
A course by Andres Rossi | Wildthings Studio, Graphic Designer and Animation Director
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Professional listing
- Andres Rossi | Wildthings Studio – @andresrossi
- Director & Founder Wildthings Studio
- Open to job opportunities, freelance