Illustrated Travel Sketchbook: Recording Nature
A course by Antonia Reyes Montealegre
Learn how to represent animals and extraordinary places in your sketchbook by connecting with nature through illustration
- 3,854
- 99% (77)

Animal Characters in Watercolor for Children’s Books
A course by Julie Mellan
Explore the softness and playfulness of childhood through lovable anthropomorphic characters using watercolors
- 21,921
- 98% (660)

Naturalist Animal Illustration with Procreate
A course by Román García Mora
Learn how to illustrate the animal world in detail from your iPad and divulge it visually
- 14,851
- 99% (379)

Dynamic Animal Illustration for Children’s Stories
A course by Julie Mellan
Learn to draw anthropomorphic characters that bring joy to young readers by exploring the fundamentals of animal anatomy, posing, and stylization
- 13,653
- 97% (296)

Illustrating Fantastical Animals with Procreate
A course by Julia Körner
Imagine fantastical characters and turn them into captivating illustrations by exploring poses, props, color, and lighting in Procreate
- 6,916
- 99% (142)

Scientific Illustration of Animals in Watercolor
A course by Balamoc
Explore all the possibilities of this technique by creating detailed and lively illustrations of animal life
- 5,618
- 97% (145)

Animal Illustration: Capturing Wildlife in a Sketchbook
A course by Jenny Rae
Learn to turn complex anatomy into simple shapes and portray the essence of an animal through illustration and collage
- 3,552
- 96% (112)

Digital Illustration of Fantasy Animals for Beginners
A course by Jonas Jödicke
Play around with composition, color, and light to create unique fantasy artwork using a graphics tablet and software
- 1,948
- 100% (37)

Illustrated Animal Characters for Storybooks
A course by Kevin Waldron
Explore your daydreams and tell a story that makes children smile with watercolor animal characters
- 3,241
- 99% (134)

Botanical Animal House: Watercolour, Ink and Graphite
A course by Violeta Hernández
Illustration techniques inspired by nature and femininity
- 5,610
- 98% (356)

Naturalist Illustrations with Watercolors: Drawing and Composition
A course by Cristina Cilloniz
Learn illustration techniques to give life to animals, insects, and botanical elements
- 11,718
- 99% (725)

Surrealist Illustration Inspired by Nature
A course by Marco Mazzoni
Use colored pencils to illustrate animals and natural elements with mood and symbolism
- 11,940
- 99% (516)

Wildlife Illustration for Children's Books
A course by Dieter Braun
Create playful illustrations of animals and wildlife by exploring vectors, textures, and gradients in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
- 4,765
- 99% (220)

Naturalist Illustration with Scratchboard
A course by Julia Rouaux
Learn how to capture the precise details and textures of animals in black and white
- 776
- 100% (51)

Watercolor Illustration: Painting Realistic Wildlife
A course by Ella Sienna
Learn how to paint realistic wildlife illustrations with watercolor by exploring a variety of techniques to create layers, texture, depth, and more
- 6,381
- 99% (132)

Artistic Watercolor Techniques for Illustrating Birds
A course by Sarah Stokes
Bring vivid wildlife compositions to life by exploring modern methods of watercolor painting
- 62,664
- 99% (3.5K)

Painting a Wildlife Scene with Gouache
A course by Roxane Campoy
Tame your linework, spaces, and colors to illustrate a bucolic scene
- 2,831
- 99% (141)

Watercolor Wildlife in Positive and Negative
A course by Silvia Molinari
Explore watercolor and monochrome techniques on dark paper to create a stunning wildlife piece in positive and negative
- 2,063
- 96% (68)

Realistic Wildlife Images in Graphite Pencil
A course by Cole McNair
Unlock your artistic potential and create wildlife images using graphite pencil. Learn how to draw a horse using techniques that can be applied to any animal.
- 1,883
- 98% (41)