Art Direction for CD covers
A course by Goster
Learn to design and conceptualize the emotions transmitted by music
- 2,873
- 98% (161)

Conceptualisation and Techniques of Digital Illustration
A course by Raul Urias
Learn to create an illustrated poster, from the client brief to the final artwork
- 3,068
- 99% (157)

Illustration for Music Lovers
A course by Oscar Giménez
Create a poster for your favorite band
- 2,753
- 99% (197)

Vintage Japanese Digital Illustration
A course by Pierre-Marie Postel
Make a vintage illustration inspired by the Japanese universe with Photoshop
- 5,228
- 100% (144)

Art Deco Style for Digital Illustration
A course by Mads Berg
Create elegant artwork in Illustrator using dynamic compositions and minimalist color palettes
- 13,050
- 97% (476)

Design of Experimental Typographic Posters
A course by BlueTypo
Express a creative concept by mixing digital and analog techniques
- 1,466
- 100% (70)

Magical Photomontage in Photoshop: Creating Visual Metaphors
A course by Natacha Einat
Learn how to develop a magical and realistic image full of meaning using your imagination and Photoshop
- 6,794
- 97% (393)

Drawing from Observation for Beginners
A course by Alvaro Arteaga
Learn different techniques to overcome the blank page and create a sketchbook filled with light, volume, and detail
- 10,368
- 100% (258)

Creation of an Original Logo from Scratch
A course by Tatabi Studio
Learn the keys to creating brand images that tell stories
- 56,886
- 99% (3K)

Imaginary Places: Draw, Paint, and Digitize on Photoshop
A course by Francisco Fonseca
Learn to draw an imaginary place by combing analog tools like watercolors, pencils, and a sketchbook with Photoshop to add vibrant texture
- 5,895
- 100% (190)

Dreamy Watercolor Landscapes: Paint with Light
A course by Katarzyna Kmiecik
Explore creative watercolor techniques to paint warm, dynamic landscapes filled with light, texture, and layers
- 36,689
- 99% (1K)

Character Exploration for Expressive Illustration
A course by Tania Yakunova
Learn how to draw characters with personality by exploring shapes, movement, proportions, and scale to amplify their expressiveness
- 6,410
- 99% (246)

Modern Headshot Photography: Capture Profound Portraits
A course by Phil Sharp
Learn how to shoot and edit compelling portrait photographs that tell a story about their subject
- 14,630
- 98% (387)

Logo Design: From Concept to Presentation
A course by Sagi Haviv
Learn the basic principles of logo design as you find your personal identity as a designer
- 64,632
- 99% (3.8K)

Graffiti-Inspired Lettering
A course by Snooze One
Explore the art of modern calligraphy and create an A3 poster with your own graffiti-inspired letters
- 2,695
- 99% (71)

Lettering as an Identity
A course by Yani&Guille
Learn how the shapes of letters can strengthen the personality of a message
- 1,734
- 98% (131)

Graphic Design with a Social Impact
A course by Giulia Fagundes
Learn to develop visual identities that engage with social issues, and give value to your brand
- 762
- 100% (21)

Illustration and lettering for packaging design
A course by Emi Renzi
Delve into the creative process of packaging design and learn how to apply lettering and illustration in the design of a product.
- 1,920
- 96% (27)

Introduction to Packaging Design for Brands
A course by Arcal Studio
Learn how to design stylish packaging that’s ready to share with clients, from the typography and colors down to the last detail
- 2,650
- 97% (65)

Creative Packaging Design
A course by Marion Bretagne
Learn how to design a creative packaging from brief to product and develop a unique consumer experience
- 2,242
- 99% (87)