Design Merchandise for Musicians. Illustration, Marketing, and Business course by Copete Cohete

Design Merchandise for Musicians

A course by Copete Cohete

Design the promotional merchandising for a music band

  • 2,491
  • 99% (121)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Art Direction for CD covers. Design course by Goster

Art Direction for CD covers

A course by Goster

Learn to design and conceptualize the emotions transmitted by music

  • 2,874
  • 98% (161)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Live Mixing: Your First DJ Set with Pioneer DJ. Music, and Audio course by Sara de Araújo

Live Mixing: Your First DJ Set with Pioneer DJ

A course by Sara de Araújo

Learn live mixing and track techniques to tell a story through rhythm and melody in your own DJ set

  • 6,876
  • 99% (76)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD