Creation of Origami Lamps with Paper. Craft course by Cartoncita

Creation of Origami Lamps with Paper

A course by Cartoncita

Learn to create a 3D lamp with basic folding techniques

  • 4,174
  • 91% (163)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Weaving Wool Felt. Craft course by Déjate Querer

Introduction to Weaving Wool Felt

A course by Déjate Querer

Learn to create unique textile designs based on patterns of repetition

  • 1,955
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to PVC Cord Weaving. Craft course by Carolina Ortega

Introduction to PVC Cord Weaving

A course by Carolina Ortega

Learn basic techniques for weaving furniture and decorative objects by hand

  • 7,596
  • 99% (293)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Industrial Design: domesticating light. Design course by Antoni Arola

Industrial Design: domesticating light

A course by Antoni Arola

Learn the creative process behind designing luminous objects

  • 8,081
  • 93% (300)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Representation of Architectural Spaces with 3D Studio Max. 3D, Animation, Architecture, and Spaces course by Phrame

Representation of Architectural Spaces with 3D Studio Max

A course by Phrame

Learn to create photorealistic images of architectural spaces

  • 13,066
  • 96% (545)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Furniture and Object Design for Beginners. Design course by Juan Pablo Fuentes

Furniture and Object Design for Beginners

A course by Juan Pablo Fuentes

Learn to design a set of furniture and objects from the concept to the model

  • 11,194
  • 96% (340)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Design and Creation of Handmade Workspaces. Craft course by Gema Casado Olea

Design and Creation of Handmade Workspaces

A course by Gema Casado Olea

Learn DIY techniques to create a desk and a storage stool from scratch

  • 5,465
  • 98% (214)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Concrete Furniture Creation for Beginners. Craft, Architecture, and Spaces course by EN·CONCRETO

Concrete Furniture Creation for Beginners

A course by EN·CONCRETO

Learn artisanal techniques to make concrete, design molds, and create unique pieces

  • 140,235
  • 97% (3.6K)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Professional Woodworking for Beginners. Craft course by Patricio Ortega (Maderística)

Professional Woodworking for Beginners

A course by Patricio Ortega (Maderística)

Learn the concepts, techniques, and tools to start woodworking like an expert

  • 128,493
  • 99% (4.1K)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to 3D Design and Printing. Design course by Agustín Arroyo

Introduction to 3D Design and Printing

A course by Agustín Arroyo

Learn the step-by-step process of 3D design, modeling, and printing and bring your ideas to life

  • 37,694
  • 97% (1.2K)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Design of 3D Sets for Products. 3D, Animation, and Design course by Alejandro Herrada González

Design of 3D Sets for Products

A course by Alejandro Herrada González

Learn to create advertising sets in 3D for Cinema 4D

  • 4,857
  • 93% (197)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Packaging Design: Experience of Unboxing Products Sent by Post. Design course by Tatabi Studio

Packaging Design: Experience of Unboxing Products Sent by Post

A course by Tatabi Studio

Develop durable, eye-catching packaging for your products

  • 14,989
  • 98% (670)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Handmade Visual Identity. Craft, and Design course by Tatabi Studio

Handmade Visual Identity

A course by Tatabi Studio

Create the stationery and packaging for a brand using artisanal methods

  • 11,004
  • 97% (679)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Methodology of Form-giving Design. Design course by Adolfo Navarro

Methodology of Form-giving Design

A course by Adolfo Navarro

Learn to design in a simple and versatile way to get more with less

  • 2,218
  • 89% (95)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to 3D Design and Modeling with Blender. 3D, and Animation course by Luis Arizaga

Introduction to 3D Design and Modeling with Blender

A course by Luis Arizaga

Learn to use basic sculpting, modeling, and rendering tools in Blender

  • 18,001
  • 92% (641)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Diorama: Thinking in 3D. Craft course by Óscar Sanmartín Vargas

Diorama: Thinking in 3D

A course by Óscar Sanmartín Vargas

Design a CD cover modeling real scenography

  • 5,297
  • 100% (240)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Product Design: Game, Time, Chance, and Matter. Design course by Isidro Ferrer

Product Design: Game, Time, Chance, and Matter

A course by Isidro Ferrer

Design a line of products from the visual identity to the packaging

  • 3,760
  • 92% (186)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Papercraft: Volumetric Illustration on Paper. Craft & Illustration course by Lo Siento Studio

Papercraft: Volumetric Illustration on Paper

A course by Lo Siento Studio

Learn to make any object a reality geometrically and create a 3D still life

  • 3,561
  • 92% (144)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Frame Making. Craft course by El Pez Enmarcado

Introduction to Frame Making

A course by El Pez Enmarcado

Learn basic techniques to build frames that highlight your pieces and make them shine

  • 24,979
  • 98% (925)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Creation of Molds for Ceramic Reproduction. Craft course by Xènia Bas

Creation of Molds for Ceramic Reproduction

A course by Xènia Bas

Learn the techniques of mold making with plaster and reproduce unique and inspiring objects

  • 19,849
  • 99% (619)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD