Edgardo Flores

Edgardo Flores

Full stack development with over 6 years of experience

San Salvador, El Salvador

Edgardo Flores

Full stack development with over 6 years experience in the world of Web development.
Within my skills are found
Php, Laravel, Mysql, Javascript, Node.js, Angular, Jquery, AWS, Wordpress Woocomerce, Heroku, Clever Cloud, Git, Linux, Mysql, Relational databases, Adobe Bussines Catalyst, HTML, CSS3, UX / UI designer, Illustrator, Photoshop, Consumption of apis, among others.

Among my achievements I stand out as Lead Developer in Avalogics, and previously working as Systems Analyst

I like working both in the Front End and Back end, In my beginnings I always seek to face any requsitio that came from both areas, now I characterize a lot for it and develop a lot of experience.

I am proactive, responsible and dedicated, I learn easily, I like to explore and learn new technologies and programming languages.

I have had the experience of working on all kinds of projects, from the creation of a simple web page to the creation of E-commerce platforms, employment platforms and The creation of CMS for the manipulation of content publications.

I will be happy to be on your team and together build great things.

All the best,


Professional listing


Joined August 2018