Canva for Beginners: Create Professional Designs. Design course by Clàudia Cánovas

Canva for Beginners: Create Professional Designs

A course by Clàudia Cánovas

Learn the ins and outs of Canva while designing your own style guide and web page

  • 71,437
  • 95% (1K)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Instagram Feed Design with Canva. Design course by Isabel Gil Loef

Instagram Feed Design with Canva

A course by Isabel Gil Loef

Learn how to create templates that make it easy for you to produce consistent, original, and impactful Instagram content

  • 51,074
  • 99% (1.1K)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Creation of an Original Logo from Scratch. Design course by Tatabi Studio

Creation of an Original Logo from Scratch

A course by Tatabi Studio

Learn the keys to creating brand images that tell stories

  • 54,586
  • 99% (2.9K)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Graphic Design for Beginners. Design course by Silvia Ferpal

Graphic Design for Beginners

A course by Silvia Ferpal

Learn the fundamentals of design by giving shape to your ideas with images, typography, color, and composition

  • 27,186
  • 99% (902)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD