Hello! I’m Emily Hlaváč Green, a New Zealand-born photographer currently splitting my time between New York and Los Angeles. I specialize in creative lifestyle, portrait and narrative photography with a focus on shooting for clients who desire something with a narrative or emotive element. My work has taken me around the world and I have shot for the likes of The New York Times, Stella Artois, Equinox, Footlocker and Reebok.
Inspired by the magic of everyday life, my work explores the space between intimacy, nostalgia and imagination. I love to seek out creative ways to photograph people, drawing on environmental spaces and unique contexts and often shoot medium format film in addition to digital.
My past lives include teaching fashion photography workshops in China, environmental assignments in Peru, Mexico and Tonga, directing music videos and shooting cook books.
Creative Portraiture Shot Digitally and on Film
Discover the beauty of both digital and analog media and learn about creative portraiture photography.
A course by Emily Hlavac Green, Artist and photographer
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Professional listing
- Emily Hlavac Green – @emilyhlavacgreen
- www.emilyhlavacgreen.com
- Open to job opportunities, freelance or contract