Introduction to Instagram Business. Marketing, and Business course by Juanmi Díez

Introduction to Instagram Business

A course by Juanmi Díez

Learn to use Instagram tools to sell your brand professionally

  • 21,191
  • 94% (538)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Creating a Website on Squarespace. Marketing, Business, Web, and App Design course by Mónica Durán · Visual Bloom

Creating a Website on Squarespace

A course by Mónica Durán · Visual Bloom

Learn how to set up and design an attractive professional website from start to finish

  • 3,584
  • 98% (148)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Vlogging: Making videos for social media.. Photography, and Video course by Martin De Iuliis

Vlogging: Making videos for social media.

A course by Martin De Iuliis

Create impactful content for social media. Master audio-visual production: camera handling, professional lighting and editing in Adobe Premiere.

  • 2,972
  • 100% (28)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD