Chaubet Nicola

Chaubet Nicola

Art director

Milán, Italy

Chaubet Nicola

Fresh and modern creative person, freelance for 9 years.
Highly specializing in UI/UX & webdesign, layout, photo editing, hand & vector drawing.
Excellent propensity to manage and cooperate with a creative team, problem solving skills,
conception and development based on an all-design approach established over the years.
Tendency to clarity e communicative competitiveness of the completed works; constant update and research of different styles in his own maximum expressions.
Analytical skills of understanding customer needs, with an in-depth look at the market reference and all the excellent creative solutions realized every day all over the world.
Co-founder of the self-produced vjing team: CTRLZ rgb-livedesign, creation and execution of
live performances through the skilful mixing of photo sequences, 2D and 3D animation, cutting video.


Joined November 2020