Hugo Moreno travaille comme concept artist pour le cinéma d’animation depuis dix ans. Il intervient essentiellement durant les étapes de développement visuel sur des long-métrages, séries, publicités ou clips.
Netflix, Cartoon Network, Toei Animation, Disney TV ou encore MTV comptent parmi ses derniers clients. Durant son temps libre, il aime développer son univers personnel, porté sur la science-fiction et le fantastique, via des projets illustrés ou animés.
Hugo Moreno has been working as a concept artist in the animation industry for ten years. He specializes in visual development for long-feature films, tv shows, music videos and commercials.
Netflix, Cartoon Network, Toei Animation, Disney TV or MTV are its latest clients. He also loves to develop personal animated or illustrated sci-fi projects.
Concept Art: From Simple Idea to Rich Design
Discover the art of turning simple ideas into vibrant concept art. Explore unique inspirations and learn to develop your own artistic universe.
A course by Hugo Moreno, Concept Artist and Designer
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Professional listing
- Hugo Moreno – @hugopablomoreno