Effective Presentation of Creative Proposals. Marketing, Business, and Design course by Carlos J Roldán

Effective Presentation of Creative Proposals

A course by Carlos J Roldán

Learn to show the full potential of your ideas to captivate customers with Keynote

  • 1,743
  • 91% (91)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Creating a Visual Identity Manual from Scratch. Design course by Gilian Gomes

Creating a Visual Identity Manual from Scratch

A course by Gilian Gomes

Learn to organize and showcase your brand to the real world by developing a professional visual guide, from initial concept to final presentation

  • 3,958
  • 99% (112)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Sketchnoting 101: Drawing as a Communication Tool. Marketing, Business & Illustration course by Scriberia

Sketchnoting 101: Drawing as a Communication Tool

A course by Scriberia

Learn the basics of visual note-taking to communicate complex ideas into simple, engaging stories

  • 8,000
  • 98% (256)
Techniques to Improve Your Productivity. Marketing, and Business course by Elastic Heads

Techniques to Improve Your Productivity

A course by Elastic Heads

Tune out the distractions and learn how to work efficiently to balance your personal and professional life with Notion

  • 25,543
  • 97% (1K)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Freelance: Keys and Tools to Find Success as Your Own Boss. Marketing, and Business course by Martina Flor

Freelance: Keys and Tools to Find Success as Your Own Boss

A course by Martina Flor

Learn to manage your personal brand and build your own career

  • 25,371
  • 97% (1.6K)
Presenting on Camera: The Art of Communication. Marketing, Business, Photography, and Video course by Domingas Person

Presenting on Camera: The Art of Communication

A course by Domingas Person

Learn how to share your content in a compelling way and master the skill of presenting naturally

  • 10,694
  • 98% (271)