Inga Paulsen
That's me:
- already as a little girl I took part in numerous theatre productions
- as my dad was mayor, I was in the public eye from an early age and thus learned to use my voice skilfully
- i would describe myself as an artistic cheerful nature.
About my career:
- training as a musical performer at first
- after that became a state-certified breathing, speaking and voice teacher
- since then I have been giving lectures at international conferences on my expertise: voice and communication
Voice Training for Creatives: Present and Speak at Your Best
Unlock the power of your voice. Master communication, content structure, and voice training techniques.
A course by Inga Paulsen, Voice Teacher
Buy $0.99USD 95% Disc.Original price $19.99USD
Professional listing
- Inga Paulsen – @ingapaulsen_
- Voice and communication expert
Joined February 2022