Hello, my name is Isabelle Lehn. I am a freelance writer based in Leipzig, Germany. After receiving a doctorate in rhetoric at the University of Tübingen and earning a degree in literary writing from the German Institute for Literature, Leipzig, I also went on to work there as a teacher while carrying out my research on historical creative writing programs.
My writing can be classified as a combination of fiction, essay, and realism. Each of my texts is an exploratory journey – at the beginning, the end is unknown, and as it progresses, I as the narrator learn more and more about my surroundings, my timeline, and also about myself.
In 2016, I published my first novel "Binde zwei Vögel zusammen" ("Tie two birds together"), which has won several awards, and in 2019, my autofiction book "Frühlingserwachen" ("Spring Awakening") was shortlisted for the Text und Sprache literary award. I have also received various grants and my essay "Weibliches Schreiben in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur" ("Female Writing in Contemporary German-Language Literatur"), about specific gender roles within the literary world, was highly acclaimed and won the Dietrich Oppenberg Media award. I regularly write essays and radio-show columns, do host literary events and podcasts, and teach classes, conferences, and workshops.
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Professional listing
- Isabelle Lehn – @isabelle_lehn
- www.literaturport.de/Isabelle.Lehn/