Rotoscoping: Draw an Animation Frame by Frame
A course by Gonzalo Cordero de Ciria
Learn to draw over a real image with Photoshop, Art Rage, and After Effects
- 4,079
- 97% (220)

Stop Motion Animation with Modelling Clay
A course by Becho y MAB _ Can Can Club
Learn and perfect your claymation techniques with Dragonframe
- 4,799
- 98% (182)

Introduction to Puppet Making for Stop Motion
A course by Adeena Grubb
Discover the charming world of stop-motion puppet design and learn to build your own characters, from the initial design to the finished figurine
- 13,260
- 100% (317)

Stop Motion For Fun!
A course by David Duprez
Discover the easiest and most efficient animation technique for animation
- 4,662
- 99% (170)

Visual Storytelling for Animation Projects
A course by Luigi Esparza Santa María
Learn how to tell a story with simple sketches and prepare a pitch for investors
- 1,100
- 98% (45)

Script for Animation Series
A course by Fer Salem
Develop your animation project from the idea to the pilot episode script
- 3,765
- 98% (176)

Introduction to Storyboarding for Animated Films
A course by Petra Popescu
Learn to visually interpret a script and capture the emotions of the plot and characters with your drawings
- 3,924
- 94% (63)

Introduction to Stop Motion: Create Animated Loops
A course by Victor Haegelin
Learn how to create an animated stop motion sequence from scratch with Dragonframe, from the initial storyboard to the finished film
- 2,587
- 100% (63)

Stop Motion: Tell Stories through Photography
A course by Wasaisa
Get started in photomotion by learning to take pictures with fresh concepts to make creative stop-motion pieces
- 468
- 91% (11)