Introduction to Unity for 3D Video Games. 3D, and Animation course by Álvaro Arranz
Domestika Basics · 7 courses

Introduction to Unity for 3D Video Games

A course by Álvaro Arranz

Learn to create 3D video games from scratch with the industry-leading software

  • 9,770
  • 99% (224)
93% Disc.
Original price $29.99USD
Introduction to Character Design in Pixel Art. Illustration, 3D, and Animation course by Daniel Benítez

Introduction to Character Design in Pixel Art

A course by Daniel Benítez

Create characters for video games where the pixel is the star

  • 20,297
  • 99% (914)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Pixel Art Character Animation for Video Games. 3D, and Animation course by Daniel Benítez

Pixel Art Character Animation for Video Games

A course by Daniel Benítez

Bring your characters to life frame by frame in Pyxel Edit

  • 16,708
  • 98% (415)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Design and Programming of Video Games with Unity 5. 3D, and Animation course by Mariano Rivas

Design and Programming of Video Games with Unity 5

A course by Mariano Rivas

Create your first video game from scratch in a 2D and 3D environment

  • 3,688
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Creating a Professional Pitch for Video Games. 3D, and Animation course by Tatiana Delgado Yunquera

Creating a Professional Pitch for Video Games

A course by Tatiana Delgado Yunquera

Analyze and develop your video game idea by creating the perfect document for potential partners or investors

  • 1,851
  • 98% (94)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Video Game Design. Web, App Design, 3D, and Animation course by Arturo Monedero Alvaro

Introduction to Video Game Design

A course by Arturo Monedero Alvaro

Learn how to create a game design document, the first step to making your video game ideas come true

  • 5,206
  • 99% (187)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD