Paper Sculpture for Set Design. Craft course by Sarah Louise Matthews

Paper Sculpture for Set Design

A course by Sarah Louise Matthews

Learn paper crafting techniques to create beautiful 3D illustrations and structures for a product photography set

  • 3,689
  • 100% (130)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Sketchbook Design and Binding. Craft & Illustration course by Maru Godas

Sketchbook Design and Binding

A course by Maru Godas

Learn how to make and customize your own art sketchbooks with all types of paper, colors, and formats

  • 7,608
  • 100% (279)
Paper Sculpture Techniques: Create Stunning Paper Artworks. Craft course by Jeffrey Nishinaka

Paper Sculpture Techniques: Create Stunning Paper Artworks

A course by Jeffrey Nishinaka

Learn paper sculpture techniques to create elegant, curved pieces with expert guidance.

  • 2,259
  • 100% (23)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD