Kitchen Design and Decoration. Architecture, and Spaces course by Sofía Saraví O'Keefe

Kitchen Design and Decoration

A course by Sofía Saraví O'Keefe

Learn how to design the kitchen of your dreams and bring it to life by working on the layout, styles, and materials that best meet your needs

  • 2,611
  • 100% (41)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
The Art of Sketching: Transform Your Doodles into Art. Illustration course by Mattias Adolfsson

The Art of Sketching: Transform Your Doodles into Art

A course by Mattias Adolfsson

Use your sketchbook to find your own drawing style and share it with others

  • 187,070
  • 99% (5.7K)
Botanical Illustration with Watercolors. Illustration course by Paulina Maciel · Canela

Botanical Illustration with Watercolors

A course by Paulina Maciel · Canela

Discover the techniques to create illustrated compositions with plants and flowers

  • 148,118
  • 96% (4.2K)
Introduction to Artisanal Soapmaking. Craft course by Mar Amoli

Introduction to Artisanal Soapmaking

A course by Mar Amoli

Discover the world of natural cosmetics and learn to create original, environmentally friendly soaps using the cold process soapmaking technique

  • 11,780
  • 99% (285)
Pattern Making Techniques for Recreating Your Favorite Garments. Craft, and Fashion course by Lantoki

Pattern Making Techniques for Recreating Your Favorite Garments

A course by Lantoki

Learn how to recreate a pattern from an existing garment without deconstructing it

  • 46,826
  • 98% (801)
Exploratory Sketchbook: Find Your Drawing Style. Illustration course by Sarah van Dongen

Exploratory Sketchbook: Find Your Drawing Style

A course by Sarah van Dongen

Discover fun methods to develop your ideas and draw from observation using gouache, watercolor, and colored pencils

  • 67,106
  • 99% (2.3K)