Layla Boyd
Teacher Plus

Layla Boyd

Project Director and Producer

London, United Kingdom

Layla Boyd

I’m a Project Manager and Producer in the advertising industry, living in Folkestone and working both remotely and in London.

I've been working in advertising for 10 years and having a creative background helps me understand how to get the best out of a project, and being organised gives structure and ensures the best outcome!

I come from a family of artists and I studied at Central St Martins and Falmouth University. I have a BA(Cons) in Illustration and enjoy drawing and painting in my spare time.

I don’t think I ever ‘realised’ I wanted to become a project manager, it’s something I naturally worked towards based on my skills. I graduated mid-recession in 2009 with a degree in illustration, and got a job as a sales rep for a spirits distributor after a friend of a friend put me forward for it. I got the job as am good at talking and am a natural ‘hype man’! Then after two years of that, I saw a junior position advertised at an illustration agency. My sales experience gave me an edge over most other candidates.

After doing that, I realised I loved working on the projects and getting work published, however I didn’t love the sales part of things! So it was a fairly natural step for me to move over the agencies that were commissioning the work! I started at a small ad agency, and then moved to bigger agencies from there!


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Joined February 2021