L. M. Bayona

Luis Bayona is a professional video director, also holding positions as a cameraman, editor and post producer, specializing in music videos. His main intention with this document is to be able to start from Madrid, in his area of ​​specialization, with the aim of contributing to the cultural exchange between Latin America and Spain through audiovisual productions.

In his experience, he has worked since 2010 on independent projects such as musical sessions for different artists in the online Performance Sessions program and the magazine Pasatiempo program. In 2014 he was a cameraman and editor for the MAGO films company in Chiclayo, Peru, with jobs for advertising, corporate videos and social events. In 2015, he traveled to Lima and worked for the Argentine company, based in Peru, BUHOFILMS, who hired him for positive impressions of his freelance work, developing editing, directing, photo direction and cameraman tasks until the end of the year. 2017.
Since the beginning of 2018, he decided to become an independent audiovisual artist and in January of the same year he began using his surname Bayona to sign his audiovisual works, among which music videos, advertising, corporate and Aftermovies stand out. Much of his portfolio can be found on his website. Regarding music videos, he has been able to work with nationally recognized artists in Peru such as Toño Jauregui, Tourista, Bang4 and Los Mirlos; and emerging artists such as SKFT, Esteban Campbell, Wanderlust, Crownless, Virulama, among others. In advertising, he has been able to work with brands such as Mi Banco, Tai Loy, BTH, Joel Quispe, Servimedic, Revisiones Técnicas del Perú, Copa Libertadores, Pan American Games 2019, Usat, YOY, Yomu, FILO, among others. For Aftermovies or concert coverage, he has worked for production companies such as Veltrac Music (International Artists, Indiegentes, WKND), One Entertainment (Latin Quarter Festival, Weezer, Slash, etc), Selvámonos (artists in the Selvámonos Festival), Inmortal Producciones (artists at the Vivo x el Rock Festival), Capitan Simio (El Rock No Ha Muerto) and Eternal Symphony Entertainment (Mr. Big, Jose Andreas, etc). In addition, since 2018 he has developed a personalized editing course dictated in a particular way for people interested in the subject, between professionals and beginners, to improve their editing skills based on his working method.

Joined November 2017