Creative Process: Boost your Ideas . Marketing, and Business course by Guillaume Lamarre

Creative Process: Boost your Ideas

A course by Guillaume Lamarre

Learn how the creative process works, how to generate ideas, pitch projects, and unleash your artistic potential.

  • 1,575
  • 100% (19)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Architectural Photography: Balancing Color and Lighting. Photography, and Video course by Ludwig Favre

Architectural Photography: Balancing Color and Lighting

A course by Ludwig Favre

Learn how to capture stunning photos of architecture and street scenes. Master photography and editing techniques and create a captivating and share-worthy style.

  • 667
  • 100% (6)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Creative Brand Storytelling: Being Authentic on Instagram. Marketing, and Business course by Yasmine Bohéas

Creative Brand Storytelling: Being Authentic on Instagram

A course by Yasmine Bohéas

Learn how to express your brand's personality on Instagram and discover unique tips for sharing content that resonates with your audience

  • 2,809
  • 98% (89)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Motion Graphics: Create an Animated Poster. Design, 3D, and Animation course by Plus Mûrs

Motion Graphics: Create an Animated Poster

A course by Plus Mûrs

Learn how to use After Effects and the Adobe suite to develop an editorial and digital graphics project that combines both 2D and 3D

  • 1,962
  • 92% (48)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Innovative Branding: Create a Complete Visual Identity. Design course by Brand Brothers

Innovative Branding: Create a Complete Visual Identity

A course by Brand Brothers

Develop a branding project to breathe new life into a company’s image, from typography and logo to client presentation.

  • 1,792
  • 98% (50)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
App Design with Figma: From Brief to Prototype. Design, Web, and App Design course by Index Studio

App Design with Figma: From Brief to Prototype

A course by Index Studio

Create a prototype for an e-commerce app that meets your client's needs by developing and testing its architecture and UI design with Figma

  • 2,651
  • 97% (71)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Kinetic Typography: Create a Visual Concept in Motion. 3D, Animation, Calligraphy, and Typography course by Simon François

Kinetic Typography: Create a Visual Concept in Motion

A course by Simon François

Learn how to create coded motion typography with Illustrator and After Effects

  • 2,127
  • 94% (32)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Graphic Design: Create a Magazine. Design course by Syndicat

Graphic Design: Create a Magazine

A course by Syndicat

Learn the fundamentals of editorial design, from selecting typography to printing, by playing around with graphics, texts, and images to create an original magazine

  • 1,191
  • 90% (20)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Digital Marketing Strategy for Social Media. Marketing, and Business course by Vincent Roméo

Digital Marketing Strategy for Social Media

A course by Vincent Roméo

Boost your social media presence using content strategy tools like SWOT and editorial planning

  • 1,178
  • 100% (15)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Portrait Photography: From Art Direction to Editing. Photography, and Video course by Rayan Nohra

Portrait Photography: From Art Direction to Editing

A course by Rayan Nohra

Discover studio photography techniques to capture striking portraits, from directing the model to editing in Lightroom

  • 945
  • 80% (15)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Visual Identity Design for Hospitality. Design course by Fakepaper

Visual Identity Design for Hospitality

A course by Fakepaper

Learn how to create a comprehensive visual identity for any hospitality establishment, from logo and typography to a full site map

  • 459
  • 100% (17)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD