Storytelling for Brands. Marketing, Business, and Writing course by Claudio Seguel

Storytelling for Brands

A course by Claudio Seguel

Learn to build stories that resonate with your audience and convey your brand values

  • 12,676
  • 97% (529)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Art Direction and Illustration for Advertising. Design & Illustration course by Typewear

Art Direction and Illustration for Advertising

A course by Typewear

Learn to structure, develop, and present a creative brand campaign

  • 2,889
  • 99% (105)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Design of a Visual Identity with Illustration. Illustration course by HolaBosque

Design of a Visual Identity with Illustration

A course by HolaBosque

Develop a brand universe by applying drawings to your design work

  • 2,469
  • 96% (139)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD