Master Figma from 0 to 100. Web, and App Design course by Mirko Santangelo
Domestika Basics · 10 courses

Master Figma from 0 to 100

A course by Mirko Santangelo

From beginner to pro: Master all aspects of Figma - interface setup, plugin usage, text and shape design, prototyping, and collaborating with developers.

  • 19,581
  • 99% (91)
93% Disc.
Original price $29.99USD
Boost Your Conversion Rates: Learn Landing Page Design with Figma. Web, and App Design course by Olga Shevchenko

Boost Your Conversion Rates: Learn Landing Page Design with Figma

A course by Olga Shevchenko

Learn how to create high-conversion landing pages. Explore sketching concepts quickly and understand visual language.

  • 3,043
  • 97% (31)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to UX Design. Web, and App Design course by Ethan Parry

Introduction to UX Design

A course by Ethan Parry

Learn how to create digital experiences that resonate with your users

  • 29,519
  • 98% (841)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Web Design with Figma: Building Striking Compositions. Web, and App Design course by Pablo Stanley

Web Design with Figma: Building Striking Compositions

A course by Pablo Stanley

Learn the principles behind creating strong digital compositions that take your designs to the next level

  • 16,635
  • 99% (600)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Figma. Design, Web, and App Design course by Arturo Servín
Domestika Basics · 6 courses

Introduction to Figma

A course by Arturo Servín

Learn to use Figma, one of the most efficient and versatile prototyping tools from scratch, and discover a world of possibilities for web development

  • 12,126
  • 99% (288)
93% Disc.
Original price $29.99USD
UX Research 101. Web, and App Design course by Patricia Reiners

UX Research 101

A course by Patricia Reiners

Learn how to design your own research plan to help you create the digital experiences of the future

  • 13,440
  • 98% (508)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Design Systems for Websites using Figma. Web, and App Design course by Filip Felbar

Design Systems for Websites using Figma

A course by Filip Felbar

Learn how to build design systems for visually appealing websites using Figma and maximize your workflow.

  • 5,298
  • 94% (63)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Digital Product Design with Lean and UX. Web, and App Design course by Óscar SP (Elastic Heads)

Digital Product Design with Lean and UX

A course by Óscar SP (Elastic Heads)

Learn the key steps to creating and validating real-world products through user-focused design

  • 11,856
  • 99% (462)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Design Systems with Figma. Web, and App Design course by Javier Cuello

Introduction to Design Systems with Figma

A course by Javier Cuello

Learn how to create design systems that answer your users' needs

  • 10,938
  • 99% (404)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to UI Design. Web, and App Design course by Christian Vizcarra

Introduction to UI Design

A course by Christian Vizcarra

Learn the principles of interface design to start your career as a UI Designer

  • 10,679
  • 95% (331)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
UX UI Design for Landing Pages: Tell an Original Story. Web, and App Design course by Juan Mora

UX UI Design for Landing Pages: Tell an Original Story

A course by Juan Mora

Learn the ins and outs of Figma to create a landing page that connects with users through storytelling

  • 5,299
  • 98% (129)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
The Narrative Web: storytelling applied to UX/UI design. Web, and App Design course by Chiara Aliotta

The Narrative Web: storytelling applied to UX/UI design

A course by Chiara Aliotta

Use storytelling to enhance your UX/UI design skills. Create purposeful stories to captivate your audience.

  • 3,579
  • 96% (57)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
UX Introduction. Design, Web, and App Design course by Strike Heredia

UX Introduction

A course by Strike Heredia

Learn to analyze digital products to optimize the user experience

  • 4,156
  • 94% (213)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Digital Product Design from Scratch. Web, and App Design course by Rus Yusupov

Digital Product Design from Scratch

A course by Rus Yusupov

Learn how to conceptualize and develop engaging apps from scratch by exploring the principles of design, psychology, user experience, and branding

  • 1,354
  • 97% (38)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Prototype and UX Design for E-Commerce Apps. Web, App Design, Marketing, and Business course by Diga33!

Prototype and UX Design for E-Commerce Apps

A course by Diga33!

Learn how to create user experiences and showcase them with advanced prototypes in Axure

  • 3,626
  • 100% (136)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
App Design: Prototyping for Beginners. Web, and App Design course by Filippos Protogeridis

App Design: Prototyping for Beginners

A course by Filippos Protogeridis

Learn how to use Figma, a leading design software, to make a functional app mock-up from scratch

  • 7,289
  • 100% (257)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD