Sewing Machine 101: Make Your First Dress. Fashion course by Juliet Uzor

Sewing Machine 101: Make Your First Dress

A course by Juliet Uzor

Learn how to use a sewing machine and start creating unique outfits from scratch

  • 23,414
  • 97% (431)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Pattern Construction for Beginners: Basic Patterns and Darts. Fashion course by Olga Sola

Pattern Construction for Beginners: Basic Patterns and Darts

A course by Olga Sola

Learn to design and create a pattern to transform into a garment of your choice

  • 6,387
  • 97% (114)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Dressmaking: Design Your Own Dress Shirt. Fashion course by Lantoki

Dressmaking: Design Your Own Dress Shirt

A course by Lantoki

Give personality to your wardrobe by creating your own dress shirts from scratch

  • 21,156
  • 98% (704)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Create a Dress from Scratch. Fashion course by Natalia Londoño

Create a Dress from Scratch

A course by Natalia Londoño

Learn basic experimental pattern techniques and create garments by designing silhouettes from scratch

  • 13,022
  • 96% (360)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Pattern-Making and Sewing of Tailor-Made Skirts. Craft, and Fashion course by Alicia Cao Guarido

Pattern-Making and Sewing of Tailor-Made Skirts

A course by Alicia Cao Guarido

Learn the fundamentals of making a pattern for a base skirt and the techniques needed to create your own designs

  • 3,462
  • 97% (91)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Designing, Cutting, and Making One-Size Garments. Craft, and Fashion course by Laura peSeta

Designing, Cutting, and Making One-Size Garments

A course by Laura peSeta

Learn the techniques to design adjustable garments suited to different sizes and make a fabulous jumpsuit

  • 3,202
  • 100% (106)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Designing Handicraft Garments from Scratch. Craft, and Fashion course by Ofelia & Antelmo

Designing Handicraft Garments from Scratch

A course by Ofelia & Antelmo

Learn how to design, embroider, and join handmade textile pieces

  • 15,053
  • 100% (661)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD