
Salut! Je m’appelle Jordan aka Oelhan, je suis artiste numérique et motion designer à mon compte. Je travaille sur des projets mêlant design et animation pour des clients et supports variés dans tous types d’industries, mais le plus gros de mon travail consiste à réaliser des boucles d’animation et des expériences visuelles envoutantes sur mon temps libre.

Hey! I'm Jordan aka Oelhan, I'm a digital artist and a freelancer motion designer. I work on projects combining design and motion for various clients and media in a large range of industries. That being said, my work is mostly about making animation loops and trippy visual experiences on my spare time.


  • Captivating Animations in 2D and 3D

    Deepen your mastery of After Effects and Cinema 4D and learn to model a 3D object with animated ornaments in a universe that is both dark and colorful

    A course by Oelhan, Digital Artist and Motion Designer

    Buy $0.99USD 95% Disc. Original price $19.99USD


Joined May 2021