Title Sequence Animation in After Effects
A course by Paul McDonnell
Learn how to create a striking opening sequence for a movie or series by editing images and layouts in Photoshop, then bring it to life in After Effects
- 4,616
- 99% (93)
Creativity for Advertising: Generate Strong Concepts from Scratch
A course by Alina Alvarez Etchegaray
Explore the ins and outs of the advertising industry and learn to develop strong concepts and creative proposals that impact your audience
- 869
- 100% (20)
70s-Inspired Lettering Design
A course by Santiago Arango
Experiment with wavy lines, exaggerated proportions, and bold contrasts to create groovy letters inspired by the 70s
- 572
- 100% (11)
Domestika Basics · 8 courses
Adobe Photoshop for Matte Painting
A course by David Vega Palacios
Learn how to creatively use the software's tools from scratch to create photo-realistic scenes with professional results
- 20,396
- 99% (760)
Cinematic Digital Illustration with Photoshop
A course by Izzy Burton
Explore composition, color, and lighting to create compelling concept art inspired by photographic references
- 17,547
- 99% (822)
Lighting and Color for Digital Portraits in Photoshop
A course by Karmen Loh (Bearbrickjia)
Capture mood and atmosphere in your artwork with lighting and color techniques
- 14,826
- 100% (436)
Digital Collage in Photoshop: Composition and Visual Effects
A course by Nick Pedersen
Create fantastic worlds with a meaningful message through montage and retouching
- 11,556
- 99% (490)
Magical Photomontage in Photoshop: Creating Visual Metaphors
A course by Natacha Einat
Learn how to develop a magical and realistic image full of meaning using your imagination and Photoshop
- 6,743
- 97% (392)
Introduction to Photo Animation
A course by Andrei Franz Mallmann
Bring your images to life with exciting techniques in Photoshop and After Effects
- 2,394
- 99% (75)
Creative Retouching in Photoshop: Create Fantasy Images
A course by Ramon Saroldi
Learn to create hyperrealistic visual compositions using professional creative retouching techniques in Photoshop and transform reality
- 2,829
- 94% (112)
Matte Painting of Imaginary Worlds in Photoshop
A course by Reha Sakar
Explore composition and lighting to create a photorealistic scene of a fantasy world using digital techniques
- 2,609
- 95% (86)
Photomontage in Photoshop: Create a Futuristic Universe
A course by Diogo Sampaio
Master the digital tools needed to compose a scene inspired by science fiction aesthetics
- 927
- 99% (81)
Futuristic Photomontage in Adobe Photoshop
A course by Sergio Instanto
Learn how to create and edit impactful photos with sci-fi effects and atmospheric elements
- 1,888
- 96% (107)
Domestika Basics · 6 courses
Adobe Photoshop for Illustration
A course by Gemma Román
Learn to master Photoshop tools from scratch to create stunning illustrations
- 58,442
- 99% (1.8K)