Emiliano Ponzi is an artist, illustrator and author based in Milan and Brooklyn
He works for the editorial, magazine, fashion and advertising market. His clients include: Apple, The New York Times, New Yorker, Le Monde, Moma NY, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Martini, Hyundai, Pirelli, Tim, Barilla, Moleskine, Android, Einaudi, La Repubblica, Airbnb, Lavazza, Bulgari.
He has won numerous awards: multiple medals of honor (gold and silver) from the Society of Illustrators New York, the Young Guns Award and the coveted Gold Cube from The Art Directors Club of New York, the IDA Award, the MGIP Award. Awards of merit from American Illustration, Print, How international design.
He wrote and illustrated 4 books: “The Journey of the Penguin” (2015) for the anniversary of the Penguin Books publishing house, “The Great New York Subway Map” (2017) for the MoMa NY, “American West” (2018) as a chronicle of his journey into the West of the United States published first ad a travel diary on the New Yorker Instagram account and then as a collection book by Corraini, “Chronicle from the Red Zone “(2020), daily note on the first Italy Lockdown, published first as a column on the Washington Post and then as a limited edition book by Tapirulan.
Excellence in Illustration: From Intuition to Method
Learn a method to cultivate lateral thinking, find inspiration, and create evocative images
A course by Emiliano Ponzi, Illustrator, Artist, and Author
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Professional listing
- Emiliano Ponzi – @ponzi_design
- www.emilianoponzi.com