R. Kikuo Johnson

Hi, I'm Kikuo, and I'm a cartoonist and illustrator originally from Hawaii. My drawings and stories regularly appear in books, advertisements, periodicals, animation, and on the cover of the New Yorker. My illustrations have earned two gold medals from the Society Of Illustrators, and my most recent graphic novella, No One Else, won the 2021 Los Angeles Times Book Prize. These days, I divide my time drawing in Brooklyn, teaching at the Rhode Island School of Design, and playing the ukulele with my family on Maui. IG: R_Kikuo_Johnson


  • Visual Storytelling for Compelling Illustrations

    Learn how to tell a complete story in a single image by exploring narrative illustration and drawing exercises in the style and medium of choice

    A course by R. Kikuo Johnson, Illustrator and Cartoonist

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Joined January 2022