Roberto Angulo

Roberto Angulo

Web Designer & WordPress Theme Author

Caracas, Venezuela

Roberto Angulo

I´m a Venezuelan guy, crazy about web design, I studied a three years old career for graphic design, now I combine all that knowledge with user experience concepts, so I can deliver a beautiful, usable and pixel perfect user interface for websites and web apps, by having trained eyes for little details.

My goals are to improve my design skills and gain experience for being a more complete professional. I always give my best in all I do, I also like to help people by using my work skills, so I can satisfy my client needs.

Tools and Skills:
Programs: Photoshop, Illustrator, Inkscape and Indesign.
Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.
Preprocessor: Sass.
CSS naming convention: BEM.
Libraries: jQuery and Greensock.
Framework: Bootstrap.
CMS: WordPress.


Professional listing


Joined November 2017