Ross Montgomery
I'm an award-winning children's author, who writes weird and wonderful books for ages 3 to 13!
I published my first book when I was 25, and since then I've written everything from picturebooks to short stories to novels. I'm most well-known for my middle-grade (age 8-12) fiction books, which tend to be funny, mind-bending quest adventures with lots of jokes. I've worked with a number of different publishers, and my books have been published all over the world, from Britain to America, Russia to China, and Portugal to Poland. I'm currently working on my 21st book!
Children’s Fiction: Write Compelling Adventure Stories
Explore the process of writing a captivating quest story for children and create a one-page synopsis of your book ready to submit to a literary agent
A course by Ross Montgomery, Children's Author
Buy $0.99USDFINAL DAYS FREE WITH PLUS95% Disc.Original price $19.99USD
Professional listing
- Ross Montgomery – @rossjamesmontgomery
Joined December 2020