Ruby Silvious
Teacher Plus

Ruby Silvious

Coxsackie, United States

Ruby Silvious

I am a New York-based graphic designer and visual artist who paints on everyday objects and found materials. Using the emptied-out tea bag as my canvas, I draw, paint, print, and collage moody, evocative, and sometimes whimsical art on used teabag paper. In addition to the used tea bags, I paint on eggshells, acorns, pistachio shells, mail envelopes, leaves, stones, wine corks and, yes, even paper.

In 2016, I published my first coffee table book, 363 Days of Tea: A Visual Journal on Used Teabags (Mascot Books), followed by Reclaimed Canvas: Reimagining the Familiar (Mascot Books) in 2018. I want viewers to keep an open mind and think beyond the boundaries of what they may consider traditional art.


  • The Art of Tea Bag Painting

    Explore watercolor and gouache to create miniature paintings using the emptied-out tea bags as a canvas.

    A course by Ruby Silvious, Graphic Designer and Visual Artist

    Buy $0.99USD 95% Disc. Original price $19.99USD


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Joined January 2022