Introduction to AI with Python. Web, App Design, and Artificial Intelligence course by Rodrigo Montemayor

Introduction to AI with Python

A course by Rodrigo Montemayor

Learn the basics of artificial intelligence and how to apply it in problem-solving

  • 19,321
  • 99% (319)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
The Art of Storytelling for Freelancers and Creators. Marketing, Business, and Writing course by Sun Yi

The Art of Storytelling for Freelancers and Creators

A course by Sun Yi

Develop your hero’s journey and learn to sell your ideas by exploring authentic storytelling techniques that resonate with your audience

  • 30,900
  • 99% (712)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Personal Storytelling. Marketing, Business, and Writing course by Antonio Nunez Lopez

Introduction to Personal Storytelling

A course by Antonio Nunez Lopez

Learn to get your clients’ attention and captivate them through storytelling

  • 41,769
  • 99% (1.5K)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Storytelling Techniques for Conveying a Message. Marketing, Business, and Writing course by Gabriel García de Oro

Storytelling Techniques for Conveying a Message

A course by Gabriel García de Oro

Discover the most powerful tool for effectively communicating your brand, business, or work through emotions

  • 21,310
  • 98% (748)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Analog Data Visualization for Storytelling. Design course by Stefanie Posavec

Analog Data Visualization for Storytelling

A course by Stefanie Posavec

Explore the narrative potential of data and learn to create engaging imagery that tells a story using analog materials

  • 2,071
  • 100% (49)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Speech Writing: Find the Storyteller in You. Marketing, and Business course by Adebola Rayo

Speech Writing: Find the Storyteller in You

A course by Adebola Rayo

Learn how to write and deliver speeches that resonate with listeners by exploring fundamental storytelling principles to address your audience

  • 983
  • 100% (17)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD