Graphic Design: Create a Magazine. Design course by Syndicat

Graphic Design: Create a Magazine

A course by Syndicat

Learn the fundamentals of editorial design, from selecting typography to printing, by playing around with graphics, texts, and images to create an original magazine

  • 1,194
  • 90% (20)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Graphic Visualization: Telling Complex Stories through Simple Images. Design course by Katya Kovalenko

Graphic Visualization: Telling Complex Stories through Simple Images

A course by Katya Kovalenko

Learn the techniques to present information in a simple and compelling way through visuals and infographics

  • 19,905
  • 99% (543)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Creative Coding: Immersive Art with openFrameworks. Web, and App Design course by Paul Ferragut

Creative Coding: Immersive Art with openFrameworks

A course by Paul Ferragut

Learn the basics of C++ programming and creative coding to animate striking shapes and loops for immersive artistic installations

  • 6,087
  • 97% (72)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Intro to Creative Coding: Create Graphic Objects. Web, and App Design course by Julien Gachadoat

Intro to Creative Coding: Create Graphic Objects

A course by Julien Gachadoat

Get started in creative programming and learn classic generative design algorithms to create animated words and shapes

  • 6,917
  • 99% (136)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Adobe InDesign for Beginners. Design course by Jamie Sanchez Hearn
Domestika Basics · 7 courses

Adobe InDesign for Beginners

A course by Jamie Sanchez Hearn

Learn how to use the software’s key features to create professional standard designs from scratch.

  • 7,539
  • 100% (164)
93% Disc.
Original price $29.99USD
Adobe Premiere Pro for Beginners . Photography, and Video course by Alex Hall
Domestika Basics · 6 courses

Adobe Premiere Pro for Beginners

A course by Alex Hall

Learn how to use the industry-leading software from scratch and discover how to professionally edit video and audio

  • 11,761
  • 97% (179)
93% Disc.
Original price $29.99USD
Art Direction for Creative Visual Branding. Design course by Linus Lohoff

Art Direction for Creative Visual Branding

A course by Linus Lohoff

Design a brand’s visual identity and build a professional brand book using key art direction techniques

  • 23,705
  • 98% (844)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Building and Launching a brand. Design, Marketing, and Business course by Adam Katz

Building and Launching a brand

A course by Adam Katz

Learn how to build a brand from scratch by developing a strong strategy to effectively communicate with your target audience.

  • 5,961
  • 99% (75)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Home Styling and Decoration with Plants. Craft, Architecture, and Spaces course by Igor & Judith - Urban Jungle Bloggers

Home Styling and Decoration with Plants

A course by Igor & Judith - Urban Jungle Bloggers

Create your own lush, green oasis by exploring styling techniques and how to care for your plants

  • 6,939
  • 96% (136)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD