Textile Prints with Digital Techniques. Illustration, and Fashion course by Ricardo Luévanos

Textile Prints with Digital Techniques

A course by Ricardo Luévanos

Learn to create illustrations based on photographs to apply to fabric

  • 7634
  • 100% (416)
70% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Pattern Design for Fashion Garments. Illustration, and Fashion course by Vero Escalante

Pattern Design for Fashion Garments

A course by Vero Escalante

Create your own universe of prints and learn how to translate them into a small streetwear collection

  • 4441
  • 99% (154)
70% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Figma. Web, App Design, and Design course by Arturo Servín
Domestika Basics · 6 courses

Introduction to Figma

A course by Arturo Servín

Learn to use Figma, one of the most efficient and versatile prototyping tools from scratch, and discover a world of possibilities for web development

  • 10997
  • 99% (268)
67% Disc.
Original price $29.99USD
Motion Graphics: Create an Animated Poster. 3D, Animation, and Design course by Plus Mûrs

Motion Graphics: Create an Animated Poster

A course by Plus Mûrs

Learn how to use After Effects and the Adobe suite to develop an editorial and digital graphics project that combines both 2D and 3D

  • 1632
  • 93% (43)
70% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD