Automated Editorial Design with Adobe InDesign. Design course by Javier Alcaraz

Automated Editorial Design with Adobe InDesign

A course by Javier Alcaraz

Learn advanced techniques for creating professional literary layouts

  • 18,059
  • 99% (557)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Packaging Design: Experience of Unboxing Products Sent by Post. Design course by Tatabi Studio

Packaging Design: Experience of Unboxing Products Sent by Post

A course by Tatabi Studio

Develop durable, eye-catching packaging for your products

  • 14,885
  • 98% (667)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Design of a Captivating Corporate Stationery Set. Design course by Menta Branding

Design of a Captivating Corporate Stationery Set

A course by Menta Branding

Learn to design and produce a stationery set from the logo of a brand or company

  • 6,351
  • 99% (417)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Adobe InDesign from Beginner to Advanced. Design course by Leandro Rodrigues
Domestika Basics · 6 courses

Adobe InDesign from Beginner to Advanced

A course by Leandro Rodrigues

Master the software and learn how to create interactive files and documents like a pro

  • 21,308
  • 98% (318)
93% Disc.
Original price $29.99USD
Editorial Design: How a Book is Made. Design course by Enric Jardí

Editorial Design: How a Book is Made

A course by Enric Jardí

Learn to format a text with clarity, hierarchy, and beauty

  • 15,698
  • 98% (646)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Design and Production of an Editorial Project. Design course by John Naranjo

Design and Production of an Editorial Project

A course by John Naranjo

Learn the creation process for a children’s or young people’s book from start to finish

  • 2,001
  • 87% (113)
Introduction to Editorial Design. Design course by Pablo Abad

Introduction to Editorial Design

A course by Pablo Abad

Turn your passion into a professionally edited magazine

  • 5,197
  • 87% (320)
Design and Construction of a Magazine. Design course by Oscar Mariné

Design and Construction of a Magazine

A course by Oscar Mariné

Design a printed magazine from scratch

  • 3,439
  • 89% (207)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Stationery Creation for Branding Projects. Design course by Plácida

Stationery Creation for Branding Projects

A course by Plácida

Learn how to transmit the visual identity of a brand in its corporate stationery and packaging, based on its logo

  • 1,114
  • 97% (72)