Thomas Shim
I'm an interdisciplinary artist and a creative director based in NYC.
By day, I work as a creative director at Facebook/Instagram, but whenever I manage to put my work phone on silent, I collaborate with incredible creative minds from all over the world to explore what it means to build “PEOPLE-POWERED IDEA"—a creative guiding light that pushes me to build authentic, provocative, and community empowering projects like PrideTrain and #WhyIDidntReport.
I'm also a disappointing father of three ungrateful dogs: Willow, Deborah, and Jane. Which isn't really relevant but makes for interesting beer talk.
Unlocking Your Creative Mind: Develop a Collective Project
Develop a meaningful idea and transform it into a creative project that inspires collaboration in both the physical and digital world
A course by Thomas Shim, Artist and Creative Director
Buy $0.99USD 95% Disc.Original price $19.99USD
Professional listing
- Thomas Shim – @thomasshim
Joined February 2021