Using ChatGPT for Work. Marketing, Business, and Artificial Intelligence course by Víctor Mollá

Using ChatGPT for Work

A course by Víctor Mollá

Learn how to use ChatGPT and make the most of its capabilities to help you with your tasks.

  • 26,831
  • 97% (407)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Content creation with AI. Marketing, Business, and Artificial Intelligence course by Núria Mañé

Content creation with AI

A course by Núria Mañé

Learn how to apply artificial intelligence to digital content planning and creation.

  • 21,889
  • 98% (370)
96% Disc.
Original price $24.99USD
Introduction to Python Programming. Web, and App Design course by Rodrigo Montemayor

Introduction to Python Programming

A course by Rodrigo Montemayor

Learn programming foundations for Python from scratch and find out how to code your first program

  • 8,445
  • 98% (175)
Introduction to AI with Python. Web, App Design, and Artificial Intelligence course by Rodrigo Montemayor

Introduction to AI with Python

A course by Rodrigo Montemayor

Learn the basics of artificial intelligence and how to apply it in problem-solving

  • 12,355
  • 99% (225)