Aron Leah
Hi I’m Aron! I’m an illustrator and I run Fried Cactus. A collaborative creative studio armed with a unique blend of hand drawn minimalist, bold illustration and a unique sense of typography that is used to create custom design which holds passion, intent and charm.
This has led to exciting collaborations with brands and businesses big and small, all over the globe.
My work is informed by an enthusiasm for uncovering stories and ideas to develop into meaningful design. The intention is to leave people with a sense of familiarity and connection to the designs.
Profesor de
Diseño de logos dibujados a mano
Descubre cómo recabar información del cliente, combinar ideas y transformar bocetos en impresionantes logos dibujados a mano.
Un curso de Aron Leah, Ilustrador y diseñador
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Ficha profesional
- Aron Leah – @ar0n
- Illustrator and creative director at Fried Cactus Studio
- Abierto a ofertas de empleo freelance
Se unió en octubre de 2021