My name is Charlotte Stone and I am the creator and designer behind Stone Knits. I am internationally known for designing knitting patterns, in particular my speciality, socks with whimsical colorwork designs using the stranded knitting technique. I am originally from London in the UK but I have been living now for many years in Zürich, Switzerland.
I have been knitting since I was a small child having learnt with my grandma and have been designing colourwork sock patterns since 2016. I now have a large collection of patterns available to purchase on Ravelry and Etsy and have had some featured in publications by Laine Magazine and Wool It magazine. I have also been teaching workshops on how to knit colourwork socks in Zürich since 2019. I released my first ever book; Charming Colourwork socks in 2022, which featured 25 new colourworks sock designs of mine. The book was an international best seller for knitting and has since been translated into German, Korean and soon in French too.
I currently live in the hills above Zürich, Switzerland with my family and my demanding cat, Ivy and I always have a sock knitting project at hand to work on!
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Introducción al tejido de calcetines en varios colores
¡Domina el arte de tejer coloridos calcetines! Crea asombrosos diseños utilizando el aro mágico y el punto jacquard.
Un curso de Stone Knits, Tejedora y fundadora de Stone Knits
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- Stone Knits – @charlottestone