Architect Donald M. Rattner helps individuals and organizations optimize creative performance by applying scientific research to the design of physical space. His most recent book is "My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation, 48 Science-based Techniques," which has won six awards and been ranked an Amazon bestseller. He has also written for numerous print and online channels, including Work Design Magazine, The Startup, Better Humans, Live Write Thrive, ChildArt Magazine, and Archinect.
Educator and practitioner as well as author, Rattner has taught at the University of Illinois, New York Academy of Art, New York University, and Parsons School of Design. Workshop and speaking venues include the Creative Problem Solving Institute, Creative Mornings, NeoCon, the American Institute of Architects, universities, libraries, and corporate events. His work has been featured on CNN, in such publications as The New York Times, Architectural Digest, Robb Report, Town & Country, and Houzz, and he has been interviewed on numerous podcasts. Rattner holds a Bachelor’s in art history from Columbia and a Masters of Architecture from Princeton.
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Diseño de interiores basado en la ciencia para espacios creativos
Descubre cómo aplicar la ciencia al diseño de interiores y crea espacios que potencien la creatividad, la colaboración y la innovación
Un curso de Donald M. Rattner, Arquitecto y escritor
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- Donald M. Rattner – @donaldrattner