Howdy! I'm Erikas, a kid who loves cartoons, animals, video games, and comic books. Only now that I'm older, I get to draw my nerdy loves in my own way and share them with the world! I got started designing vector artwork in high school, and have taught myself most of what I know about the world of design through the Internet and courses just like mine since then. My style is inspired by the simple colors and geometry of mid-century design and folk art - I try to distill subjects into basic shapes and portray them in unique ways that hopefully bring a smile to the viewer's face. Currently I am lucky enough to draw for a living as a freelance illustrator, getting to create eye-catching infographics and editorial illustrations for clients.
I'm a New Yorker-turned-Texan, and spend my off-time barking at squirrels with my duck-tolling retriever Sammy, listening to some synthy jams, or yelling at the TV when my sports team disappoints. Lately I've been exploring creating art away from a computer screen, with my current obsession being acrylic paint markers and anything I can find to draw on. I look forward to connecting with creatives from around the world, sharing any bits of knowledge I may have to help unlock their creativity - and my own!
Check out some of my work and connect with me on Instagram! I'd love to hear from ya @erik_as_erik
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Ilustración vectorial para composiciones impactantes
Crea imágenes vectoriales sencillas y transfórmalas en composiciones armoniosas con un estilo artístico propio explorando tipografías, colores y texturas
Un curso de Erikas Chesonis, Diseñador gráfico e ilustrador
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- Erikas Chesonis – @erikas_chesonis