Lars Harmsen
I believe in curiosity. I always want to go out there, see things I never saw, meet people I never met, jump from clips. I love books, magazines and printed matters. Beyond work, I love nature, adventures, kids, students, artists, people who have guts. I am priviledged to have no fears.
I am gretefull that I met Julia Kahl, my partner in crime at Slanted Publishers. We now run a company, like a big adventure. We try to react as fast as possible. We connect with tons of creatives. We do make publications.
I believe in change. Always. Nothing is given, nothing is forever. To publish is a good way to say something, for the moment, for the sake of time. I am a very lucky man.
Profesor de
Diseño editorial: cómo crear una revista
Descubre el proceso de creación de una revista junto con el fundador y editor de Slanted Publishers, mientras exploras el diseño, color y tipografía
Un curso de Lars Harmsen, Director creativo y editor
Comprar $0.99USD 95% Dto.Precio original $19.99USD
Ficha profesional
- Lars Harmsen – @harmsen
- Creative Director
Se unió en octubre de 2021