I'm an artist and educator, originally from New York State, now living and working in Richmond, VA, USA. I have a background in textile design and I run the fiber and textile program at Virginia Commonwealth University.
I believe there is a strong relationship between the land and our interior landscapes. When we are connected to the land, we’re connected to ourselves, and one another.
I bring together materials and processes that express the union of humanity and the physical world. Whether stitching, drawing, planting seeds, or harvesting, my hands echo the gestures made by thousands of hands over thousands of years and I feel connected to the lineage of people working with textiles, plants and the land. Stitching, like agriculture, can be functional-- a technical solution to join materials/a means of survival-- or, both can be done purely in service of the soul, lifting the spirit through beauty and wonder.
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Bordado con materiales orgánicos alternativos
Aprende un nuevo método de bordado con materiales poco convencionales para coser piezas únicas y sorprendentes
Un curso de Hillary Waters Fayle, Artista textil
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Ficha profesional
- Hillary Waters Fayle – @hillarywaters
- Artist
- www.hillarywfayle.com
- Abierto a ofertas de empleo