Martin Lorenz
Profesor Plus

Martin Lorenz

Identity, Type and Editorial Design

Hamburgo, Alemania

Martin Lorenz

Dr. Martin Lorenz (1977, Hanover, Germany) is the grandson, son, and nephew of teachers. His escape plan from this family tradition was to become a graphic designer. He graduated from the Graphic Design department at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) of The Hague, Netherlands, after having previously studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Germany. While founding the design Studio TwoPoints.Net with Lupi Asensio and raising two boys, he enrolled first in a Master’s Degree and later in a Ph.D. Degree at the University of Barcelona, Spain, writing a doctoral dissertation about flexible visual systems in communication design. Martin became a teacher. Since 2003 he has taught at various European Universities. He currently teaches at the Bachelors and Masters Degree of Graphic Design of Elisava, Barcelona, and

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Se unió en abril de 2020