Hey! I’m Daphne— or, as you might know me online, MsFrizzleArt! I’m an artist, activist and lover of life. I am so very passionate about making art more accessible and easy-to-approach for anyone of any skill level!
I truly believe that expressing oneself through art gives us the power to unearth our deepest feelings, heal our emotional wounds and ultimately, save lives. It’s a beautiful way to communicate the emotions and experiences that you can’t always capture with words.
In my courses, I boil down the essentials of painting and make them easy to digest for anyone. When you’re covering the basics, there’s always something to learn! It’s important to me that after my course, you will have all the tools you need to start expressing yourself artistically with paint.
I hope I can so blessed as to be a part of your creative journey. There truly is an artist in all of us. I can’t wait to meet the artist in you!
Profesor de
Pintura y dibujo: Guía para principiantes
Explora la pintura con Daphne Frizzle. Aprende técnicas esenciales de dibujo y pintura para mejorar tus habilidades artísticas.
Un curso de Daphne Frizzle, Artista y educadora artística
Comprar $0.99USD 95% Dto.Precio original $19.99USD -
Especialización en Técnicas de Pintura al Óleo
Domina las técnicas de pintura al óleo para crear retratos expresivos, paisajes surrealistas y efectos fotorrealistas utilizando materiales variados.
Una especialización de varios profesores, Online Courses
Comprar $5.99USDÚLTIMOS DÍAS GRATIS CON PLUS94% Dto.Precio original $99.99USD
Ficha profesional
- Daphne Frizzle – @msfrizzleart