Owen Davey
I am Owen Davey. I am an award-winning Illustrator from the UK. I have worked with clients including Google, Facebook, Sony and National Geographic. I am the lead illustrator on the multi-award winning app Two Dots and I have produced many picture books over the years, most notably the non-fiction ‘About’ series with Flying Eye Books, which began with ‘Mad About Monkeys’ in 2015. My books have been published in every continent except Antartica.
I love Illustration in all it's forms and I'm a little bit obsessed with it. I have many other hobbies too, including playing in a band, playing Dungeons and Dragons, playing cards and board games, and baking with my daughters.
Profesor de
Ilustración vectorial: personalidad y color
Crea ilustraciones impresionantes a partir de formas geométricas y curadas paletas de color
Un curso de Owen Davey, Ilustrador
Comprar $0.99USD 95% Dto.Precio original $19.99USD
Ficha profesional
- Owen Davey – @owendaveydraws
- Freelance Illustrator
- www.owendavey.com/
- Abierto a ofertas de empleo freelance
Se unió en junio de 2020