I am a New York-based graphic designer and visual artist who paints on everyday objects and found materials. Using the emptied-out tea bag as my canvas, I draw, paint, print, and collage moody, evocative, and sometimes whimsical art on used teabag paper. In addition to the used tea bags, I paint on eggshells, acorns, pistachio shells, mail envelopes, leaves, stones, wine corks and, yes, even paper.
In 2016, I published my first coffee table book, 363 Days of Tea: A Visual Journal on Used Teabags (Mascot Books), followed by Reclaimed Canvas: Reimagining the Familiar (Mascot Books) in 2018. I want viewers to keep an open mind and think beyond the boundaries of what they may consider traditional art.
Profesor de
El arte de pintar en bolsitas de té
Explora la acuarela y el gouache y crea pinturas en miniatura reutilizando bolsitas de té vacías y usándolas como lienzo.
Un curso de Ruby Silvious, Diseñadora gráfica y artista visual
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Ficha profesional
- Ruby Silvious – @rubysilvious
- www.rubysilvious.com