Gustavo Bouyrié

Gustavo Bouyrié

Reliable, versatile and bold visual artist.

Barcelona, Spain

Gustavo Bouyrié

I’m an independent visual designer, visual artist and art director based in Barcelona, Spain, who dedicated over 10 years to help brands of all sizes to look awesome, and during this journey I was lucky enough to work for great clients like Adidas, EA, Masterclass, Absolut, Techstyle, Twitch, Honda, Red Bull and Netflix.

My background in illustration, art direction and event production allowed me to navigate the market experiencing many different challenges in-house on retail brands, design studios, advertising agencies and also doing freelance projects. So if in one hand I had the opportunity to team up and become friends with extremely talented people I really admire, in the other, I’ve gained experience working end to end, learning by doing good practices on design process.




Joined June 2019